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Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit http://apsu.peopleadmin.com.  您可以点击导航下方的“搜索帖子”链接 栏,或点击“奥斯汀佩伊州立大学”方框位于 the bottom of the webpage.
如欲浏览职位详情,请按网页下方的“浏览详情”连结 job title.
在仔细阅读职位细节并确定自己是否符合条件后,点击 the "Apply to this job" link.  If you are a new user, you will be directed to create a new account.  You may do so by clicking the "create a new account now" link. 您将收到一封确认您注册的自动电子邮件.  直到收到确认号码,您的申请才算完成.
您将被要求提供个人信息,如您的姓名、地址、电话 number, etc.  你也会被要求提供有关你的教育和学历的信息 当前或以前的工作,以及你的推荐人的365bet.  你可以上传求职信、简历/简历、 references list or reference letters, etc.  Please note that uploading just a resume/curriculum vitae does not substitute for completing your online application.  Most clerical positions will require a microsoft word/excel assessment.  It is highly recommended that you gather 在开始申请流程之前提供您的所有申请信息
If you are a returning user 并且已经有了一个申请文件,只需使用您的用户名和密码登录.  您将能够申请新的工作,而无需重新输入您的申请信息.  但是,强烈建议您编辑您的申请信息,如果适用的话, before applying.  You will not 在申请工作后,允许更改您的申请信息.
你只能在申请新职位时修改你的简历. After clicking 在“申请这份工作”,你可以编辑你的申请.
当您继续进行在线申请时,您将能够保存您的信息 every time you move from one screen to the next.  Be sure to click "Save Changes" 或“Next”来存储应用程序的任何更改.  When you are 准备好继续您的申请,登录并点击下面的“完成”链接 the "Status" column.  直到收到确认号码,您的申请才算完成.
申请文书和支持人员的职位必须在网上提交 or before the closing date as indicated in the job details.  Professional, administrative and faculty positions are open until filled.  Once the closing date for a job has 通过考试及/或张贴被删除,你将无法申请. Please continue to visit http://apsu.peopleadmin.com for new jobs as they become available.
一旦你提交了申请,人力资源和平权行动办公室 将审查你的申请,以确定你是否符合最低资格 as specified in the job details.
具体时间取决于负责招聘的部门.  如果你被选中参加面试,我们会联系你做必要的安排 for an appointment.
You will not be able to change your application information after you have applied for a job.  Any changes to your application information will only affect your application to future job postings.  If you have a change, you may contact the Office of Human Resources.  Do not create a new online application; you are only allowed to apply once to a posting.
登录到您的帐户后,您将能够检查您的申请状态. 登录系统,点击您的申请,您的职位状态将显示 be listed. 未被选中的候选人将收到一封电子邮件 to inform them of the decision.  If the position is closed, candidates will receive e-mail notification that the position has been filled.
你可以随时不考虑你的申请.  Upon logging 进入你的帐户,点击“状态”下的“撤回申请”链接 column of your application status.  However, once you withdraw your application, you will not be able to apply for the same position again.
在登录界面,点击“忘记您的用户名或密码”链接.  You will 需要输入您的用户名和密码问题的答案 (case-sensitive) in order to retrieve your password. If you forgot your username, 您将被要求提供与您的帐户相关联的电子邮件地址.

Please complete this form 在孩子出生后60天内,并将其一并交回人力资源办公室 with a copy of the mother’s copy of the birth certificate.

您可以通过访问您的帐户更改此捐款 www.gwrs.com or by calling RetireReadyTN at 1-800-922-7772.

您可以致电1-800-922-7772与retireereadytn联系,询问您的退休预估 benefit.  他们会问你的社会保障号,预计退休日期,还有你的 remaining sick leave balance.

 This information is available in the 365bet leave policy at http://53delc.6188355.com/policy/leave-policies-5020 in section I
 Please refer to 365bet Policy 5:001 regarding educational expenses.

 Please refer to 365bet Policy 5:005.

2021日历年度的年度入学时间为2020年10月1日至16日.  Please 请访问该州的网站,了解在开放注册期间可以进行的更新和更改.  http://www.tn.gov/partnersforhealth/ae.html

有关取消保险计划的规定,请参阅 http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/finance/benefits/attachments/1047.pdf.   所列理由之一不适用的,可以要求取消 during the Annual Enrollment Transfer Period. To change your dental insurance outside 在每年的开放注册期,你必须有一个合格的事件或家庭状态 一年中的变化,包括出生、结婚、离婚和新工作.  Please follow this link 什么资格作为一个特殊的资格赛的报名表格.

Please refer to 365bet Policy 5:020 in section X.

The beneficiary designation forms are below.  Please complete the forms for benefits in which you are enrolled.  If you are enrolled in the ORP retirement option, please 在公司网站上更新你的受益人信息 are going—TIAA, VOYA or VALIC; links below.  If you have questions regarding the forms 您可以通过“一站通”或“员工自助服务”查看您的福利 contact the Office of Human Resources at 7180 or 7013.


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